You don't need to post every day to be successful

Olivia Morris
Olivia Morris
Business Leader | Branding Expert | High Performance Specialist
Oct 2, 2024
5min read

We often see others in our networks posting everyday with every thought they have, each tiny piece of wisdom they have learnt or what they are doing that day. The feeling of FOMO or inadequacy starts to creep in “I don’t know how they have time, I couldn’t do that” and this then dissuading them to build their own brand or build their own business and fly the coup.

It can be exhausting to watch people posting something constantly, and in all honesty it is irritating to see the same “tips” just being rewritten or re-recorded every week as new content.

Posting everyday doesn’t always mean the audience will reward you and the opposite can happen too. Take for example someone who is very proactive with their health and they are interested in hearing about wellness, preventative care and all that good stuff and someone catches their eye, a content creator who is engaging and knows what they are talking about.

The content creator shows up every single day and keeps on about the same things over and over again. The first time this person sees their content it is like wow this is amazing and is interested and engaged with the content, a few weeks later this same content is now cycling but just written or recorded a little differently, this target person now sees the repetition and are becoming a little bored, so they no longer engage like they did at the start and now just scroll past. They don’t unfollow but they just aren’t as interested. You never give them space to breath so eventually you lose their attention.

You know the saying absence makes the heart grow fonder? There is nothing more true than those words. To be successful in any way we need our audience to love us, support us and want to be with us on our journey. When we push stuff on them every day it can feel heavy and they never get a chance to miss us or think about us. I am not saying you need to disappear for weeks on end but by giving them some space you allow them to come back to you.

Nobody has wise words to deliver every day, even the greatest speakers in the world, and even the wisest human beings are limited in the new value they can offer. We follow these amazing people not for how often they turn up but because of the value they deliver to us with the powerful, long-lasting knowledge and the influence they have had on us.

Yes, you can grow a following by posting your entire life on social and telling a great story, and some will hang on your coat tails as your audience hits the 10k, 100k, 1m or 10m followers. However unless this is the goal and being a content creator is the success you want, then the measurement for success isn’t this.

The measurement for success is actually “is this content producing the results I need to hit my goal”. If that goal is financial or opportunistic which most are, then followers do not equal success (caveat of unless you are Mr Beast and being a content creator is your job and sponsorship is your income).

Your ROI is all that you need to measure, and unless these posts are converting into sales or other opportunities then having 100k followers means zero to you and in fact is likely to be losing you money as the time to create content isn’t converting for you.

There is nothing more disheartening in life than expending all your energy to see no return for it.

Time – Opportunities = Financial and Energy Deficit

Neither financial or energy are things most of us can afford to be in the deficit of, so having the correct strategy to ensure those possibilities are reduced has to be the highest priority.

As I have been delivering the Physician Branding Program, many physicians have asked if they will be required to post on social media all the time to grow their brand or business, then go on to list physicians with large followings.

My answer is always the same “unless you are planning on being a physician content creator then no it isn’t a requirement for success”.

Those who are out there growing their portfolio or building their own businesses need to focus and have a strategy that works for their needs. That isn’t always by writing on LinkedIn like it is a dear diary or creating videos on Youtube about anal prolapses and smelly vaginal discharge everyday.

You have to think of social media like a mode of transport, it is there to deliver your message to your audience. The first question you have to ask yourself before doing anything is “who is my audience and where are they”. If the answer is Cathy from New York who is a stay at home mom, and you wish to talk to her about preventative care and wellbeing then don’t waste your energy posting on LinkedIn or X. She isn’t there so why are you?

Maybe you find Cathy on Instagram and you start producing this content for her, but you then find out that she only uses Instagram for the funny videos and light hearted entertainment so her algorithm isn’t going to show her the serious stuff. You won’t get to Cathy here either if don’t produce content that doesn’t get in her eyeline.

However, you know she is interested in this stuff so she is consuming that information somewhere and that is where you have to find her and devote your time there.

Cathy represents the bullseye of your entire target audience and from there you can build a strategy, but I can guarantee that Cathy doesn’t need you in her face everyday selling her or telling her how great you are. What she does need is to know you are showing up with value for her consistently and you are giving her what she wants.

You can show up daily and fail just as easily as those who don’t post at all. You can show up consistently in the wrong place and fail too.

Success comes when you show up for your target person in the way they need you to, providing massive value for them every time, and with the right mode of transporting the message. That could be once a week, bi-weekly or maybe you only ever show up at live events and you smash them every time.

You can reach the highest limits if you have the right strategy to do it, commit to doing it correctly and know how to pivot if the results aren’t hitting the right ROI for you and/or your business.

There isn’t a one size fits all approach here as every person and business has its own unique identity and opportunities, with different levels of growth expected for their efforts.

Contact VB if you want to know how to build your personal or business brand with winning strategies for long term success.

About the authors

Olivia is a business leader and branding expert with nearly two decades of experience. She specializes in empowering physicians to build authentic personal and business brands, helping them stand out in their niche and accelerate their growth.

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