Cutting edge healthtech solutions are essential

Health technology is rapidly evolving, but innovation in healthcare is complex, your road to success is filled with challenges.

Our experts partner with get your concept designed, built and into the hands of users as smoothly as possible.

The health technology landscape is challenging

Clinical Validation

Ensuring your solution is safe, effective and clinically sound is a critical aspect and requires specialist expertise.

Regulatory Hurdles

Often vague and evolving regulatory environments, differing significantly across jurisdictions.

Reimbursement Challenges

Many excellent digital health products have fallen down when they couldn't find a path to revenue.

Legacy Integrations

The expectation for new innovative solutions to sit hand in hand with old, creaking systems is a constant drain.

Supporting you throughout your journey

Our team of clinical, business and technology experts, partner with you at any phase of your journey and help to ensure that your concept thrives and make a real lasting impact on healthcare.

Ideation and Validation

When you've got the spark of an idea, some wireframes or a prototype, we can help you to shape and validate the clinical hypothesis, business proposition or technology potential.

It's always an excellent idea to get expert feedback at this point, before you've spent too much time and money going a certain direction.

Planning and Building

As you fine tune your business plan, organization design and regulatory pathways, we'll guide you towards the most efficient ways of getting to your destination.

Taking a holistic look at your plans and ensuring everything from your company culture to your funding plans have been fully considered.

Pitching and Selling

Now you've got a product, you need to turn it into money. Our marketing and business experts are valuable to help you refine your value proposition. Having sold to all parts of healthcare we understand payor, clinician and consumer propositions.

Our clinical experts can also provide a valuable network to open doors and land your first pilots or customers.

Our experts are trusted by leading organizations

Partnering for success


Our first step is to deeply understand your business and your specific requirements.

We will only engage with you if we truly believe that we can help to solve your problem efficiently, and deliver value for your investment.


Thanks to our diverse and global team, we can rapidly pull together a multidisciplinary team, with one or multiple geographical backgrounds depending on your particular needs.

We coordinate all of your contracts, engagements and billing so everything is streamlined and organised.


Our partnership doesn't end at the conclusion of an engagement, we'll remain available to you for any support you require.

You'll become part of our VB community and we'll be your greatest cheerleaders as you progress your business to new heights.

We're ready if you are, let's do it together

Schedule a free consultation to see how we can support your journey in health tech.