Transforming healthcare every day

Find out more about Verity Barrington and why we are driven to support the best ideas, companies and individuals.

Rising up from the ashes of healthcare, to make a difference for humanity.

Olivia Morris and Dr David Morris founded Verity Barrington in 2023. After years of advocating for improvements to the healthcare system and better working lives for physicians, we needed to move from raising awareness to taking action.

We know that healthcare is in a critical condition, we had to do something to help it recover. Verity Barrington was born of our dream of having the best experts in the world available to collaborate with the creators of the best solutions.

We want to see the best ideas succeed when they're doing good for healthcare and for humanity. We're also insistent that solutions can only work if the people who use them are involved in their creation and evolution.

So we assembled our team of experts and thought leaders and started connecting them with startups and innovators who are looking to enhance healthcare and align with our values.

We're different from traditional consulting practices. Our experts have years of frontline experience, not just an MBA and a graduate program. They are in the trenches, they've seen what works and what doesn't and they'll be brutally honest about it when they need to be.

Why do we do it?

David is a physician who experienced the cold hard face of the healthcare system. After years of long commutes, longer shifts and a thankless system that drained his energy and spirit, he needed to save his own life in the face of burnout.

He remained in healthcare, and has since built a highly successful career as a healthcare business leader in large corporate organizations and innovative healthcare startups.

As a physician's wife, Olivia watched her husband crash from an energetic, happy young man, to a broken, burned out doctor. She refused to accept that a career, a system, should do this to so many fantastic clinicians and she dedicated a large part of her life advocating for physicians. Campaigning against physician suicide and for better working conditions.

We feel passionately about healthcare, we want to see it recover into a system that's functional, and thrives for the benefit of patients and clinicians. We want the humanity back in healthcare, because ultimately, that's all we really have.

Our expert team

Since our foundation, we have added top experts from around the world to our team. We have leading clinicians, business experts and technologists, who all share our common mission.

Years average experience
Mission improving healthcare

Our experts are trusted by leading organizations

Our values

We embody our values every day

Verity Barrington is driven by the desire to do better for healthcare, to ensure that clinicians, patients and systems are fit for purpose and thrive. Our values reflect this vision.


Always striving to be the best at everything we do, every day.

Providing unrivalled expertise and outstanding experiences to everyone that we encounter.


We must remain true to ourselves and serve our experts, clients and followers authentically.

We only work with clients we truly believe we can help, and we take a no nonsense approach to helping them to succeed.


We passionately advocate that the foundations of healthcare are built on humanity.

We will never promote or support concepts which undermine humanity and equity in healthcare.

Recent articles

Read our team's insights

Dr David Morris
July 30, 2024

Hearing my granny's final heartbeats...

8 years ago, I listened to my granny Bridgie’s final heartbeats with my own stethoscope. Fulfilling a promise that I made to her when I was a young boy.‍
Dr David Morris
March 12, 2024

Why would you bother building a healthcare business?

I was asked this question recently and I’ve been reflecting on my answer, so I’m going to share why it can be painful, and how best to limit the pain as you build.
Olivia Morris
August 15, 2023

Why do I advocate so strongly for physicians?

Why did I give up everything to focus on their lives when I’m not a physician myself. ‍I don’t do it for profit or recognition, I do it because as a physicians wife I saw and felt pain with my husband.

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